Wednesday 30 November 2011

Tech Article 12/1

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Earlier this year, NetFlix raised prices on it's package that gave subscribers both unlimited streaming and DVD rentals. This led to a sharp downturn in both subscriptions and investments toward NetFlix, however, this price was necessary to keep funding the network while holding on to content. Yet, the damage is already done, because NetFlix has lost over 11 million customers since the price increase. In order to make up for this loss, NetFlix will need to add at least 15 million subscribers that only want to stream, making up over 100 million dollars in revenue. This all comes just a year after NetFlix was at it's popularity peak, offering superior service for a top notch price. Starting next year, NetFlix will become available to citizens in the UK and Ireland, but experts say that will only help the problem, not solve it. Shares of NetFlix are expected to drop on the market, with other services like Hulu Plus surging in popularity.

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