Wednesday 30 November 2011

Tech Article 12/1

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Earlier this year, NetFlix raised prices on it's package that gave subscribers both unlimited streaming and DVD rentals. This led to a sharp downturn in both subscriptions and investments toward NetFlix, however, this price was necessary to keep funding the network while holding on to content. Yet, the damage is already done, because NetFlix has lost over 11 million customers since the price increase. In order to make up for this loss, NetFlix will need to add at least 15 million subscribers that only want to stream, making up over 100 million dollars in revenue. This all comes just a year after NetFlix was at it's popularity peak, offering superior service for a top notch price. Starting next year, NetFlix will become available to citizens in the UK and Ireland, but experts say that will only help the problem, not solve it. Shares of NetFlix are expected to drop on the market, with other services like Hulu Plus surging in popularity.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Tech Article 11/18

Click here for more info.

A new bill called SOPA is currently being looked into by the House of Representative's Judiciary Committee. The bill is being pushed forward with the hopes of ending websites that support piracy. However, with the vague wording of the bill, it can be used to do so much more. Websites like YouTube, Twitter, and Tumblr could all face a block by the U.S. Government if infringing material is posted on their servers. This means both the site owners and users would also be liable for infringement for any copyrighted material. While the law doesn't necessarily state it will do these kinds of things to these websites, it does enable the government to do it f they please.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Wiki Research

1. A wiki can be used to organize things like videos, photos, and ideas all in one place.
2. We can use a wiki in this class to organize website ideas and collaborate all our ideas to make the perfect website.
3.  I personally have little experience with wiki's because I really don't rely on things like this.

Monday 14 November 2011

My Weekend/MP1 Reflection

This weekend I was actually confused at first because I swapped which vacations I was taking. I went to Toronto when I thought I was going to Savannah, when I really am going Thanksgiving break.I went to the CN Tower and went to the a lot of the tourist spots in Toronto. It was a really great time and Canada is a great place to visit.

I think the 1st Marking Period actually went well for me. I think the weekly assignment was done fairly but I also think there should be correspondence between classmates. This correspondence can help stop the overuse of the same article. Also, the amount of things we've learned so far was interesting and opened my eyes to some new websites as well.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Tech Article 11/9/11

Click here fore more.


Call of Duty: Elite is a new system that lets Call of Duty players connect over every console. Yet, there's one problem, no one can access it! Since the overnight release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the system has buckled under the pressure. According to officials, the service crashed when hundreds-of-thousand of people tried logging on at once. Numerous gamers took to FaceBook to vent about the problem, and some even took it a step too far with expletives. The new service is free, but added features can be unlocked for a yearly $50 charge.