Thursday 15 December 2011

Tech Article 12/16/11

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Those who want to snatch up the new BlackBerry 10 will have to wait until late 2012. Research in Motion, the Canadian BlackBerry maker, is hoping to push advertisement for the phone on it's own this time around. Top executives believe cell phone carriers didn't properly plug the previous BlackBerry 7. Regardless, RIM is still keeping their expectations fairly low, with top executives acknowledging their disappointment with the companies current path. Also, the company is re pitching the PlayBook Tablet, RIM's counter to the popular IPad2. Designers have confirmed all applications will be transferable onto the BlackBerry 10, which will have demo phones shipped to other developers in the near future.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Tech Article 12/9

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A special opportunity has popped up for AT&T subscribers who currently hold unlimited data plans. For those who use more than 12 times the average amount of data could have their data plan prices reduced. This news was released during a quarter where smartphone purchases and usage has nearly doubled, with more than 6.1 million smartphones already sold. While no exact amounts have been set out, AT&T continues to build up it's 4G and LTE Network while they continue to see the rise in data subscribers. At the same time, speeds will also be increased on these certain data users, in a plan to boost AT&T's customer performance and outlook.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Tech Article 12/1

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Earlier this year, NetFlix raised prices on it's package that gave subscribers both unlimited streaming and DVD rentals. This led to a sharp downturn in both subscriptions and investments toward NetFlix, however, this price was necessary to keep funding the network while holding on to content. Yet, the damage is already done, because NetFlix has lost over 11 million customers since the price increase. In order to make up for this loss, NetFlix will need to add at least 15 million subscribers that only want to stream, making up over 100 million dollars in revenue. This all comes just a year after NetFlix was at it's popularity peak, offering superior service for a top notch price. Starting next year, NetFlix will become available to citizens in the UK and Ireland, but experts say that will only help the problem, not solve it. Shares of NetFlix are expected to drop on the market, with other services like Hulu Plus surging in popularity.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Tech Article 11/18

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A new bill called SOPA is currently being looked into by the House of Representative's Judiciary Committee. The bill is being pushed forward with the hopes of ending websites that support piracy. However, with the vague wording of the bill, it can be used to do so much more. Websites like YouTube, Twitter, and Tumblr could all face a block by the U.S. Government if infringing material is posted on their servers. This means both the site owners and users would also be liable for infringement for any copyrighted material. While the law doesn't necessarily state it will do these kinds of things to these websites, it does enable the government to do it f they please.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Wiki Research

1. A wiki can be used to organize things like videos, photos, and ideas all in one place.
2. We can use a wiki in this class to organize website ideas and collaborate all our ideas to make the perfect website.
3.  I personally have little experience with wiki's because I really don't rely on things like this.

Monday 14 November 2011

My Weekend/MP1 Reflection

This weekend I was actually confused at first because I swapped which vacations I was taking. I went to Toronto when I thought I was going to Savannah, when I really am going Thanksgiving break.I went to the CN Tower and went to the a lot of the tourist spots in Toronto. It was a really great time and Canada is a great place to visit.

I think the 1st Marking Period actually went well for me. I think the weekly assignment was done fairly but I also think there should be correspondence between classmates. This correspondence can help stop the overuse of the same article. Also, the amount of things we've learned so far was interesting and opened my eyes to some new websites as well.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Tech Article 11/9/11

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Call of Duty: Elite is a new system that lets Call of Duty players connect over every console. Yet, there's one problem, no one can access it! Since the overnight release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the system has buckled under the pressure. According to officials, the service crashed when hundreds-of-thousand of people tried logging on at once. Numerous gamers took to FaceBook to vent about the problem, and some even took it a step too far with expletives. The new service is free, but added features can be unlocked for a yearly $50 charge.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Tech Article 10/28

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HP is staying in the PC business after all. Back in early August, the company decided to pull out of the PC business, but now they've reversed that decision. According to the company, all of their units are selling well, and a lot of uncertainty has been alleviated. While the PC unit of HP is profitable, annalists have noted the PC sector has almost imploded in recent years. In the long run, no one really knows how this decision will play out because the PC business is slowly going on a downward spiral. However, the company does say it remains committed to the PC business abroad.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Tech Article 10/21/11

AT&T is getting ready for an unbelievable quarter this time around. After a fairly soft third quarter, the company needs to bounce back and they believe the IPhone 4S can help do that. The quarter is already going well, with the company activating over 1 million phones in the first few days of sales, despite the fact other providers offer the phones. In a full total, 4.8 million smartphones have been sold by AT&T, and 2% growth is expected from this quarter. With more than half of AT&T's customers using a smartphone, all signs show potential growth.

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Another Youniverse Survey

Thursday 13 October 2011

Tech Article 10/14/11

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Starting next week Amazon users will be able to preorder games through the online system. The company is already selling digital downloads of games in a crowded type of business. Even though the field is already crowded, Amazon does have the reputation that can get it out in front. Certain games like Battlefield 3 and Assassins Creed: Revelations will be among the games up for preorder. Among other things, Amazon has promised customers that they won't pay a dime until the game is actually released. Lastly, it comes as no suprise that Amazon will offer special content with every preorder.


Wednesday 5 October 2011

Breaking News: Steve Jobs Dead at 56

Official Story.

At the age of 56, visionary and Apple CEO Steve Jobs has passed away. Jobs, the creator of such innovative items like the IPod, IPad, and IPhone was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer. After receiving a surgery to remove the tumor, Jobs returned to work, but underwent a liver transplant in April 2009. Overall, Jobs revolutionized the way we live in our society today, and also changing the cartoon industry. After purchasing Pixar, the company went on to create such hits movies like Toy Story and Finding Nemo. However, Jobs' most recognizable products spawned from Apple. And now, after his resignation in August due to his failing health, has passed away at the age of 56, in an expected yet sad turn of events. Jobs leaves behind a wife and four children.

                                                              Steve Jobs 1956-2011

Tech Article 10/6/11

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Nokia is promising consumers it's first Windows phone this quarter. Stephen Elop, the CEO, made the announcement while at a technology event yesterday. Nokia has been eyeing a 2011 launch since this summer, which gives it no choice but to launch the phone this quarter in order to meet launch projections. The first release could come as early as late October, with the latest being early next month in order to coincide with the holiday shopping season. Nokia has been hit hard by competitors like Apple, and is now banking on the Windows Phone to get things going again. Finally, according to Chris Webber, the head of Nokia's U.S. division, all efforts are being pulled into the phone.

Monday 3 October 2011

My Weekend

This weekend I went out to dinner with family and then visited some family friends who came in from Australia. We had Italian, then they came over to our house and stayed for a little while. On Sunday I just stayed home and watched the Steelers game, then watched Homeland later on ShowTime.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Tech Article 9/30/11

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A new rumor has been circulating recently that Xbox Live will soon have a new TV function built right in. Microsoft is said to be in talks with Verizon and Comcast to bring a new interface that will enable users to brows music, movies, TV, and more. While this service would come at an extra charge, it has the potential to revolutionize the television viewing experience. For quite some time major studios have pushed for Xbox Live to release more content due to its international success. And at this time, this could cut deep into Netflix, which is struggling just to stay on top. So, will Microsoft really take the television business to a new level? We'll find out when the service adds TV to its repertoire this Fall.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Weekly Tech Article 9/23

Click here for my link.

On September 29, the open beta for Battlefield 3, one of the years most highly anticipated games, will arrive for PC, PS3, and 360. The beta for the game will be available to play until October 10, and will enable players to try out the game's multiplayer and new maps, plus jets and an updated graphics engine. However, any XP you pick up in beta play won't carry over to the actual game, but the username you use to register with will. And, as a bonus, if you pre-ordered the game you can use a special code to download the beta on September 27th. Below is a gameplay trailer from a select level in the game.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

What I Like About Fall

To me, fall is the  best time of the year. I like how it's never too hot and never too cold. I also like Halloween, so this is a time of the year I also really enjoy. I also go to Eastern State Penitentiary this time of the year, so, it's great for that too. This is why I enjoy the Fall.

Click here for my link.